Why is it important?

Words describing types of documents are everywhere. In everyday life we ​​encountered them very often. But if we are using them properly? If we precisely understand, what they mean? And what about other words in scientific labour? Anglicisation of scientific language in many countries is a fact. Are we ready for appropriate flow between them? A few examples given below can be clue for an answer our question.

pol uwierzytelnić «confirmation of authenticity» | *autentykacja
eng authentication «the act of proving that somebody is a particular person»

pol autentyczny, eng authentic ← grc authentikós = guaranteed
pol kolaboracja «cooperation with enemy authorities, especially the occupation authorities»

eng collaboration «the act of working with another person to create or produce something»

pol kolaboracja, eng collaboration ← lat collaborare = cooperate
pol broszura «a nonserial publication consisting no more than 48 pages»
eng pamphlet «a nonserial publication consisting of at least 5 but no more than 48 pages»

pol pamflet «a satirical piece that is a revealing and usually malicious criticism of a person or group»
eng lampoon «a piece of writing that criticizes a person in a humorous way, allowing their bad qualities to be seen and making them or it seem stupid»

pol pamflet, eng pamphlet ← “Pamphilus”: popular Latin poem about love. Was popular and widely copied and circulated on its own, forming a slim codex.
pol wydawnictwo ciągłe «a publication appearing with no predetermined conclusion»
pol czasopismo «a serial publication with its own distinctive title, containing an articles issued more than once, generally at regular stated intervals with no predetermined conclusion»
pol seria «a group of separately published works related in subject and/or form, issued in succession, usually in uniform style and in common title»

pol wydawnictwo ciągłe > pol czasopismo, pol seria